Do you often experience a racing mind when trying to fall asleep at night? Are you constantly struggling to calm your thoughts before bedtime?

More delightfully yet, a study by Baylor University psychologist Michael Scullin found that people who created a to-do list fell asleep nine minutes faster, on average, than those who didn’t. (1)

To address this issue, try incorporating a simple yet effective practice into your bedtime routine. Take a moment to sit down with a pen and paper, and jot down the things that occupy your mind the most. Perform a “mind sweep”, capturing all the thoughts and concerns that hold your attention.

By engaging in this process, you can effectively offload your mental burden onto paper, allowing your mind to experience a sense of relief. This practice not only helps in organizing your thoughts but also assists in quieting your mind, making it easier for you to drift into a peaceful sleep.

(1) Wired - Hundreds of Ways to Get S#!+ Done—and We Still Don’t